May 18, 2007

Altoona 'n State College Travels

Spent half this week on the road in Altoona and State College. Now State College is fun, no doubt about that...a lot of nice sights as well. Good eats and had a beer or 3.

Now Altoona is a different story. It's a little depressing and bleak. But, I managed to have a great time due to a nice little ballpark and watching the Altoona Curve, the AA team of the Pirates (these guys actually win). The park is like a little PNC field, very nice and new. Now, being the VIP I am (HA), I was sitting in a box and was able to enjoy free food and drink. But in walking around the park I was shocked to see a large beer only cost $2.75...not the $100 at PNC! Place was sold out w/ a lot of families. A really nice time.

Even better (or worse for my work), the visiting team was staying at my hotel. As an old minor league player myself, I wandered into the hotel bar about 9PM and spent half the night hanging w/ these kids and talking. Good times and good beer.

Now, I was ok at a mtg the next day...but the team lost. I like to think it was my fault keeping a couple of them out past curfew ;) So I did my part in helping the home team win! Yea!


May 9, 2007

Good Weather...Finally!

This stretch of weather has been mightily appreciated by me and no doubt everyone in the tri-state area. I've been golfing up a storm (and winning some dinero in the process), up to the lake house for some R&R, out w/ the Bratz girl constantly, washing cars and so on.

The thing I hate to do is mow...and the sun has made my yard take off like the bunch of weeds it is. If it were up to me, the yard would be dead or astroturf. However, I'm sure the homeowner association (brownshirts) would fine the hell outta me in either of those cases, damn it. Where's my freedom to have a crappy yard?!

In summation, thank you for the nice weather, mother nature and don't hold this against us. I don't want to have 20 rainy days in June now!

May 2, 2007

Just Pics...

Tough day here at work...need pics of the Bratz girl to make me smile!

May 1, 2007

Send over your children to annoy me!

Nothing ticks me off more than having to watch other people's kids. I mean, for family, it's different and i love kids in general. But after a day at work, the last thing I want to see are all the neighborhood kids at MY house.

Ok, I pick up the Bratz girl at preschool. She and I are having a good time, talking about school and wacky stuff on the short drive home. I'm in a good mood...until I round the bend and see my house. Kids all over the front of my driveway, like they are waiting for me. Scary. They start running around the Tahoe, looking for Bratz and the moms across the street do nothing to stop them...oh no, can't have your kids behavin' like that! Get out of the car surrounded by 5 kids (it's 5:25 mind you and I'm thinking work), all hootin' and hollerin'...let the headache start!

Make a long story short, they all end up in my backyard w/ me and Bratz....the moms have somehow disappeared into the neighborhood, damn it. So I proceed to have to sit there for 40 mins, watching them all and listening to one 2nd grader in particular tell me her whole life story talking faster than the speed of sound. I was tired...I was hungry...and I was IRRITATED! The moms finally show up and I'm ready to give them a piece of my mind when in walks the wife. Game over...I have to clam up and be nice! Grrrrrr.

So that was the fun evening. Watching everyone kids. FUN. Well, at least Bratz girl is still my gal and the best behaved girl ever! Ha.

Here's her jammin' w/ her Ipod from the bro in's "Sweet Escape!"